Cherubic hymn
The first choir sing slowly the cherubic hymn:
Οἱ τὰ Χερουβὶμ μυστικῶς εἰκονίζοντες καὶ τῇ ζωοποιῷ Τριάδι τὸν τρισάγιον ὕμνον προσάδοντες, πᾶσαν τὴν βιωτικὴν ἀποθώμεθα μέριμναν,
And the second choir:
Ὡς τὸν βασιλέα τῶν ὅλων ὑποδεξόμενοι,
Then there is a pause and the Entrance takes place. After that, the second choir continues:
Ταῖς ἀγγελικαῖς ἀοράτως δορυφορούμενον τάξεσι. Ἀλληλούϊα
Mode I
Chanted by Constantine Priggos, Archon Archcantor of the Great Church of Christ.
[ 6΄ 28΄΄]
Mode II
Composed and chanted by Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas, Archon Archcantor of the Great Church of Christ.
[ 8΄ 58΄΄]
Mode III
Chanted by Demosthenes Paikopoulos, Archon Domestikos of the Great Church of Christ.
[ 7΄ 59΄΄]
Composition by «Michalakis» Chatziathanasiou, Professor of the Holy Theological School of Chalki.
Chanted by the choir of the Association of Constantinopolitan Friends of Music under the direction of Leonidas Asteris.
[ 6΄ 35΄΄]
Mode IV
Chanted by Leonidas Asteris, Archon Archcantor of the Great Church of Christ (7 April 2002).
[ 8΄ 18΄΄]
Chanted by Constantine Priggos, Archon Archcantor of the Great Church of Christ.
[ 6΄ 51΄΄]
Mode pl. I
Composition of Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas. Chanted by Demosthenes Paikopoulos.
[ 9΄ 48΄΄]
Mode pl. II
Composition of George Tsaousis.
Chanted by the choir of the Association of Constantinopolitan Friends of Music under his direction.
[ 9΄ 47΄΄]
Mode grave
Chanted by Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas.
[ 8΄ 23΄΄]
Chanted by Leonidas Asteris.
[ 7΄ 58΄΄]
Composition of George Phokaeus.
Chanted by Basil Emmanuelides (Sunday of Pentecost 2003, Church of St Irene at Æolou, Athens
[ 8΄ 44΄΄]
Mode pl. IV
Composition of Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas. Chanted by Demosthenes Paikopoulos.
[ 10΄ 04΄΄]
Composition of Andrew Petrocheilos.
[ 6΄ 30΄΄]